7 Cities of Gold / Ozark Softscape 1984
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This game has been rated 2 times so far. Go to the vote form and give us your rating and comment.

Your comments

Kip: Simply a great game of exploration. You buy ships, supplies, and men in Europe, then set sail for the discovery of a New World. There you will encounter hostile natives, natural wonders, mountains of gold, hidden mines and lost cities. You can play on the actual maps of the Americas, but playing on random maps (an incredibly advanced feature for its time) is more fun. A great game from the great Dan Bunten.

Mataeus: Now this is a cool game - lots to do, despite the game play mainly consisting of a 'keep walking about until you run out of food' kind of scenario. You go out and explore regions of the map gradually that uncover before you, and return to the Spanish Court every year or so for a review, and are given more supplies for adventuring if you do well. Fame and Fortune await!

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